Are you or a loved one on a waiting list for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)? Looking for the latest updates on the waiting list, or info on your HCBS program? HCBS South is your destination for data, information, and resources relating to waiver programs across the South.

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  • HCBS stands for Home and Community Based Services. These Medicaid waiver programs are meant to provide disabled people with in-home care via direct service providers, and/or provide pay for parents of disabled children to be able to stay home and care for their children.

  • A lot of the funding for these state programs comes from federal Medicaid dollars, which means that state legislators dedicate a certain amount of money each year to their waiver programs. Because of these financial barriers, HCBS waiver programs are not often prioritized and therefore not funded enough to keep up with demand.

  • In many cases, waiting for in-home care can take months and even years. In Georgia alone, there have been people waiting for waivers for more than ten years. These waivers give disabled people the opportunity to go out and work, and to exercise their independence. Without these waivers, they are often forced to live in nursing homes and institutions.

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